What is the Career Pathway Framework?
Over 160 GSS job roles for YOU to choose your pathway.
Job roles in the Global Services Sector (GSS) are diverse, evolving, and pursuable. With over 160 job roles within the targeted segments of the GSS, the Career Pathway Framework (CPF) provides access to information on invaluable opportunities available in Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO), Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO) and Digital Media Services.
The GSS Career Pathway Framework will provide Jamaicans with a clear understanding of the attractiveness of the sector as a viable career, by providing sector information, career pathways and skills profiles which highlight the range of job roles in the industry with pay, benefits, and skills requirements. This will indicate progression routes from entry to senior level roles, and all training-related information.
The GSS Career Pathway Framework: Tutorial
The Career Pathway Framework (CPF) is an interactive tool that uses career maps to show what a prototypical career looks like in the Global Services Sector (GSS) along positions, roles, and through the various stages related to career growth.
Watch this tutorial video to learn how to navigate the site and plan your career in the GSS!
Introduction to the GSS Career Pathway
Learn how to map out your career path in the GSS!
Introduction to the RIASEC Model
The GSS Career Pathway Framework uses the RIASEC model to help you find your ideal career path. Watch to learn more.
Top 10 Skills to Learn for Your Future
What are some of the top skills employers are looking for? What are some of the best skills to learn for the future? Watch to see top skills that can help you reach your career goals!