Skills Development for the Global Services Sector

A transformative 5-year project that will provide Jamaicans with access to training

and career opportunities in the Global Services Sector.

The Global Services Sector Project is an initiative funded via a US$15 million loan between the Government of Jamaica and the Inter-American Development Bank to strengthen the pipeline of talent and the investment ecosystem to increase foreign direct investment and export of services in the sector.

The Project is being executed by the Jamaica Promotions Corporation and supported by our major stakeholders, the Ministry of Education Youth and Information, the HEART/ NSTA Trust and the Global Services Association of Jamaica (GSAJ).



The Opportunities are Endless in the GSS. Your Options are Limitless.

The Global Services Sector comprises of the following segments: Business Process Outsourcing, Information Technology Outsourcing and Knowledge Process Outsourcing.

Jamaica’s GSS employees over 46,000 individuals and is poised to grow to 75,000 by 2025. 75-80% of the GSS operations are services in the BPO segment with the remaining 20-25% in the KPO and ITO segments. The GSS Project seeks to increase the number of high value-added services to 40%, thereby connecting Jamaicans to better career opportunities.

Are you ready to find your GSS career path?

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